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Lifeline Minibooks

Lifeline Minibook's Have Several Distinctives

  • They are twice the size in content than other counseling mini-book series, but in the same league visually, thus enabling them to be displayed with minimal space via the use of a tiered rack on the counter of a bookstore or in a church foyer, for example.
  • They are written with excellence and “normal language” for the person in the pew. This makes them ideal for the Christian public, as well as counselors and church ministers.
  • They include built-in Personal Application Projects to be used as counseling homework, and Bible study suggestions for personal and small-group use.
  • They always include a clear, appropriate gospel call to the unsaved reader that is natural, not forced. This gentle, gracious persuasion to turn to Christ in repentant faith is never a superficial urging to simply “pray a prayer.”
  • They are written by men and women in the trenches of ministry. Whenever possible they are written by those with personal experience in helping others in certain areas and have counseling/discipleship experience. These mini-books are written from the furnace of life, rather than from the perspective of the classroom.
  • These pocket-sized resources are ideal for you to keep on hand in order to give away to those whom you meet in life’s journey and those with whom you minister regularly.